Psalm 118 is a beautiful song calling us to trust that God will continue to show us mercy (love). He has and He will. The Psalmist no doubt is reminding himself and all of us of how God has delivered him and that God can be trusted, no matter what circumstances we face.
The world is in upheaval. The future can seem gloomy. You who are younger may be seriously concerned about your future. I know I am absolutely concerned about the future. But reading this Psalm today reminds me… God’s mercy endures. His mercy will be with us today, tomorrow, next week, next year, and on and on. Can you trust Him? Can I? Will we?
Lord thank you for your mercy. We know you are with us in every triumph and struggle. Help us to see you in every situation and be comforted and to share that comfort with others.
Check out this rendition of part of Psalm 118 by Richard Smallwood and the Richard Smallwood Singers.
Oh give thanks unto the Lord
For He is Good
For He is Good
For His mercy endureth for ever and ever
Thy art my God and I will Praise you
For His mercy endureth for ever and ever [x2]
The Lord is my strength and my song
He has become my salvation, my salvation
I will praise you oh Lord
You have become my salvation, my salvation
For this is the day that the Lord hath made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
For His mercy endureth for ever and ever
Oh Give thanks unto the Lord
His mercy endureth for ever [x8]
His mercy endureth for ever
And ever and ever
watching over me.